Address Kazanchis infront of IOM near UNECA, Shibre Building
Work Hours Monday to Friday: 8AM - 6PM Weekend: 10AM - 10PM
Basket of digital services powered by Elebat solutions to enable SME /youth/women Access to Package of Tailored Financial Services and market through easing last mile operations and building digital market as well as alternative service outlets.
Digital enabled preventive and community centered packages of health service integrated with economic empowerment ultimately making the services, accessible and affordable concomitantly creating jobs and fostering financial inclusion.
Development of last mile alternative service delivery outlets by empowering rural cooperatives through equipping them with the right mix of skill, technologies and business cases
Empowering Financial service providers with the right mix of knowledge through extending highly contextualized training on conceptualizing, operationalizing and commercialization of digital Financial Services within Ethiopian market. Digital and financial literacy interventions are included towards driving usage ,uptake and leveraging of digital platforms.